Getting started

This book contains guides, helping to get started with the Rust Trust Spanning Protocol (TSP) implementation.

See for the TSP Specification.

Quick start

See the web interface to get started with TSP without installing any software. The web interface is intended to showcase the direct communication mode of TSP, the CESR encoding of messages and for testing purposes.

The Rust Logo


See the command line interface guide to get started with the test CLI for TSP. The TSP CLI is an examplke application of Rust TSP that helps testing the direct, nested and routed mode of TSP. There is some support infrastructure deployed on in order to get started quickly.

Web interface

A short demo of the web interface:


Go to

This interface allows us to create VIDs and send and receive messages.

The VID type used for this demo is did:web. When a new identity is created, the corresponding did.json document is published on the same domain (

The transport used for this demo is HTTPS and web sockets (WSS). The server ( also acts as a transport backbone.

Getting started

Create an identity

To get started, create an identity:

  • In the top left corner enter an username, e.g. alice
  • Press "Create test VID"

In the list of identities on the left your VID with the corresponding key material wil be shown. This identity will also be stored in the local storage of your browser. The next time you visit this page it will be loaded automatically.

Resolve and verify a VID

To resolve a vid follow the instructions below.

Note that only VIDs of the type did:web or did:peer are supported.

In order to be able to resolve a VID you could open the web interface in an "Incognito" browser window and create a new VID. You should use "Incognito" to prevent the identities in your local storage to be overwritten. This way you can have a window for a sender and a window for a receiver identity en test sending messages from one to the other.

Note that this will also work over the internet, sending messages from one device to the other.

The demo server on should not be used in a production use of TSP. In particular there are no guarantees about persistent storage. Generated VIDs might only persist until the server is restarted, which happens at least once a week.

Enter a full VID in the field "Resolve and verify VID" and push the button. For example The resolved and verified VID wil be displayed in the identities column.

Sending / receiving messages

Use the "Send message" for to send messages. The "Sender" and "Receiver" fields must be filled in with fully qualified VIDs, that exist in the "Identities" column.

For example, we could fill in as sender and as receiver if we have the private VID for and the Public VID for

The contents in the "Non-confidential data" will be added to the TSP unencrypted. The contents of the field "Message" will always be encrypted.

A browser window with the private VID of the receiver will show all messages addressed to this VID in the "Received" column.

Select sender / receiver

Instead of entering the full VID in the "Sender" / "Receiver" fields, you can also use the "Select sender" and "Select receiver" buttons in the "Identities" column.

Ad-hoc verification

If a message is received from an unknown sender the button "Verify" can be pressed to resolve and verify the sender VID and decrypt / verify the message contents.

Message debug print

Each message is shown in the CESR text domain. The individual parts, the selectors and possibly the plaintext variants of these parts are shown below.

TSP Command Line Interface

The command line interface is an example application of the Rust TSP implementation. It helps testing and exploring TSP, the cryptography, transports, modes and message encoding.

Read the next sections on how to get started.

A short demo of the CLI (made using the TSP SDK development version of May 2024):


To get started with the CLI, first install Rust. See The fastest way is running the following command in your terminal:

curl --proto '=https' --tlsv1.2 -sSf | sh

After Rust is installed you should be able to run cargo:

cargo version


cargo 1.77.1 (e52e36006 2024-03-26) for example

Installing the TSP CLI program:

cargo install --git examples --bin tsp

You should be able to run tsp:



Send and receive TSP messages

Usage: tsp [OPTIONS] <COMMAND>

  help     Print this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)

  -d, --database <DATABASE>  Database file path [default: database.json]
  -v, --verbose              
  -p, --pretty-print         Pretty print CESR messages
  -h, --help                 Print help


Create a first identity

The tsp command line tool will store its state using the Aries-Askar interface in a SQLite file in the current directory.

The TSP command is used as an example and 'playground' to explore TSP, and as an example for programmers on how to use the SDK to build TSP applications. It does not expose all the functionality of the TSP SDK (e.g. TLS or QUICK transport), neither should it used to build production appliations.

To create a test did:web identity run the following command:

tsp create example


INFO tsp: created new database
INFO tsp: created identity

We can add an alias to a VID using the --alias argument:

tsp create example --alias example

In subsequent commands we can type example instead of

Every tsp subcommand also supports the --verbose or -v flag for a more verbose output:

tsp --verbose create example


TRACE tsp: opened database database.sqlite
 INFO tsp: added alias example ->
 INFO tsp: created identity
TRACE tsp: published DID document to
TRACE tsp: persisted database to database.sqlite

Resolve a VID

VIDs created with the tsp tool are published on Currently Rust TSP is able to verify did:web and did:peer VIDs

To resolve and verify a VID, run the following:

tsp verify


 INFO tsp: is verified and added to the database

The verify command also support the alias argument:

tsp verify --alias example

Send a message

For this example we will create two databases and identities - alice and bob.

You could perform the operations for alice and bob on different computers, for this example we will seperate them by using distinct databases.

Use the --database flag to specify the file name of the database.

First create the identity for alice:

tsp --database alice create alice --alias alice

Then create the identity for bob:

tsp --database bob create bob --alias bob

Let alice verify bob's VID and add it to the database alice:

tsp --database alice verify --alias bob

Let bob verify alice's VID and add it to the database bob:

tsp --database bob verify --alias alice

Let bob start listening for a message:

tsp --database bob receive --one bob

The --one argument makes the command exit when the first message is received.

Since the above command will block / wait for a first message we should use a new / different terminal to send the message from alice.

To send a message run the following:

echo "Hello Bob!" | tsp --database alice send --sender-vid alice --receiver-vid bob

Note that alice and bob are aliases of and

We can also use aliases for the argument, for example:

echo "Hello Bob!" | tsp -d alice send -s alice -r bob

In the other terminal window the message should appear:

tsp --database bob receive --one bob
 INFO tsp: listening for messages...
 INFO tsp: received message (11 bytes) from
Hello Bob!

DID types supported

The TSP CLI example application supports two types of decentralized identifiers:

  • did:web, created using tsp create. These are resolved by finding a .json file on a server and checking its contents.
  • did:peer, created using tsp create-peer. These are essentially self-signed identifiers.

The TSP CLI can use two types of transport:

  • https, which forces the use of a broadcast server application (see, but will work well across firewalls.

  • tcp, which requires a direct network connection between two instances of the TSP CLI. In practice you can use this only on a local network (or the same machine, if you use different ports), but this functionality is added to demonstrate the flexibility of having multiple transports. This transport mode is only available to did:peer. To use TCP transport, use the --tcp address:port flag to tcp create-peer.

Pretty print messages

The send command supports the --pretty-print argument. This wil output the CESR-encoded TSP mesage that is sent.

Continuing with the alice and bob example:

echo "Hello Bob!" | tsp --pretty-print -d alicen send -s alice -r bob


 INFO tsp::async_store: sending message to
CESR-encoded message:
 INFO tsp: sent message (11 bytes) from to

In a terminal window supporting colors this will look like the following:


The first red part is the TSP prefix. The purple part is the sender VID, the blue part the receiver VID, the yellow is the ciphertext and the cyan part is the signature.

The bold characters note the CESR selector of the part.

Nested mode

To try out TSP in nested mode, the command line interface can be used. A nested relationship can be set up by exchanging relationship messages (the preferred way), but it can also be tested by manually setting up identifiers, having both sides explicitly verify each others identities and establishing a relationship between those identifiers.

Nested mode (using relationship control messages)

Establishing an outer relationship

To send a nested TSP message both sender and and receiver should first establish a direct relationship. This can be initiated by one party verifying the VID of the other, and sending a relationship request.

We use the same alice and bob example as in the previous chapter.

First, alice will have to learn about bob's existence:

> tsp -d alice verify bob
 INFO tsp: is verified and added to the database alice

Then she can send a relationship request message. This requires bob to be listening as shown in the previous chapter (i.e. running tsp -d bob receive in a separate window):

> tsp -d alice request --sender-vid --receiver-vid
 INFO tsp::async_store: sending message to
 INFO tsp: sent control message from to

On bob's side, we will see:

> tsp -d bob receive --one
 INFO tsp: message involving unknown party
do you want to read a message from ''? [y/n] y
 INFO tsp: received relationship request from, thread-id 'JZla6+N6FP/In7ywOp8yQD2GfXemCn1e4b6tFVWaLxg'

Notice how a thread-id was generated, we need this to confirm the relationship. This can be done by sending a relationship acceptance message (this requires alice to be listening):

> tsp -d bob accept --sender-vid --receiver-vid --thread-id 'JZla6+N6FP/In7ywOp8yQD2GfXemCn1e4b6tFVWaLxg'

On alice's side, this will look like:

> tsp -d alice receive --one
 INFO tsp: received accept relationship from

alice and bob now have a bidirectional relationship.

Nesting the relationship

To establish the nested relationship follows the same procedure as above, except that the request and accept subcommands will have to be passed the --nested parameter.

Let's say that alice again takes the initiative to nest the relationship, which starts the same as before:

> tsp -d alice request --nested --sender-vid --receiver-vid
 INFO tsp: sent a nested relationship request to with new identity 'did:peer:2.Vz6Mv3HRDr8nQ28LZxXHrU1zaUdXVJVjQzhuVcFB4pyF5rweQ.Ez6Lc6URPHMVN1vswnk32ND5zNcAb5o2QA1Hs4NThH2YzAuVL.SeyJzIjp7InVyaSI6InRzcDovLyJ9LCJ0IjoidHNwIn0'

Notice that a new did:peer identifier was created. This will have a transport set to tsp://. Let's create an alias for it:

On bob's side, this message will appear:

> tsp -d bob receive --one
 INFO tsp: received nested relationship request from 'did:peer:2.Vz6Mv3HRDr8nQ28LZxXHrU1zaUdXVJVjQzhuVcFB4pyF5rweQ.Ez6Lc6URPHMVN1vswnk32ND5zNcAb5o2QA1Hs4NThH2YzAuVL.SeyJzIjp7InVyaSI6InRzcDovLyJ9LCJ0IjoidHNwIn0' (new identity for, thread-id 'cR9RznAELgbp9XZ+VFFjq7vYv4v+ITaGrxa7L2ddCPw'

As before, bob can accept this using tsp accept:

> tsp -d bob accept --nested --sender-vid --receiver-vid did:peer:2.Vz6Mv3HRDr8nQ28LZxXHrU1zaUdXVJVjQzhuVcFB4pyF5rweQ.Ez6Lc6URPHMVN1vswnk32ND5zNcAb5o2QA1Hs4NThH2YzAuVL.SeyJzIjp7InVyaSI6InRzcDovLyJ9LCJ0IjoidHNwIn0
 INFO tsp: formed a nested relationship with did:peer:2.Vz6Mv3HRDr8nQ28LZxXHrU1zaUdXVJVjQzhuVcFB4pyF5rweQ.Ez6Lc6URPHMVN1vswnk32ND5zNcAb5o2QA1Hs4NThH2YzAuVL.SeyJzIjp7InVyaSI6InRzcDovLyJ9LCJ0IjoidHNwIn0 with new identity 'did:peer:2.Vz6MuvAXTdNjiSV4DkbMUXAzShqiL2wvFNf2Dg4mr34JkQqk6.Ez6LbyVXwzoVNbRVm7X1Bpa4BqM5Aa5QYXyT4j6iRCxJAo4Fc.SeyJzIjp7InVyaSI6InRzcDovLyJ9LCJ0IjoidHNwIn0'

Instead of the did:peer, bob could also have used alice's outer VID here. The TSP SDK will know which VID to use. Notice how a new VID was also generated for bob. On alice's side, this will look as follows:

> tsp -d alice receive --one
 INFO tsp: received accept nested relationship from 'did:peer:2.Vz6MuvAXTdNjiSV4DkbMUXAzShqiL2wvFNf2Dg4mr34JkQqk6.Ez6LbyVXwzoVNbRVm7X1Bpa4BqM5Aa5QYXyT4j6iRCxJAo4Fc.SeyJzIjp7InVyaSI6InRzcDovLyJ9LCJ0IjoidHNwIn0' (new identity for

Note that to make operation easier, we recommend using the alias mechanism to create better names for these essentially random inner identifiers:

> tsp -d alice set-alias inner_alice did:peer:2.Vz6Mv3HRDr8nQ28LZxXHrU1zaUdXVJVjQzhuVcFB4pyF5rweQ.Ez6Lc6URPHMVN1vswnk32ND5zNcAb5o2QA1Hs4NThH2YzAuVL.SeyJzIjp7InVyaSI6InRzcDovLyJ9LCJ0IjoidHNwIn0
> tsp -d alice set-alias inner_bob did:peer:2.Vz6MuvAXTdNjiSV4DkbMUXAzShqiL2wvFNf2Dg4mr34JkQqk6.Ez6LbyVXwzoVNbRVm7X1Bpa4BqM5Aa5QYXyT4j6iRCxJAo4Fc.SeyJzIjp7InVyaSI6InRzcDovLyJ9LCJ0IjoidHNwIn0

And similarly for bob. Using these aliases, nested messages can simply be sent as for any other VID:

echo "Hello Bob" | tsp -d alice send --sender-vid inner_alice --receiver-vid inner_bob

Nested mode (manual setup)

To send a nested TSP message both sender and and receiver should establish a pair of VIDs. One VID is used for the inner message and one for the outer.

We use the same alice and bob example as in the previous chapter.

First, we create an inner or nested VID for alice:

tsp -d alice create-peer alice-inner


 INFO tsp: created peer identity did:peer:2.Vz6Mv1MHPrewz2y6ntLZwbWdMc2C3Ny6Tk

The create-peer command creates a new identity and key material in the did:peer format.

Next we configure the newly created did:peer as a child of our main identity:

tsp -d alice set-parent alice-inner alice


 INFO tsp: did:peer:2.Vz6MutdCU73wbCRc4Uypzg1a3gU5vAfwsLjHWbgArHzjqWzpw.Ez6Lbwx
 is now a child of

We do the same for bob:

tsp -d bob create-peer bob-inner


 INFO tsp: created peer identity did:peer:2.Vz6Mv49Sf4ui8iG5C7VTjMS2bXq7EZDhyK
tsp -d bob set-parent bob-inner bob


 INFO tsp: did:peer:2.Vz6Mv49Sf4ui8iG5C7VTjMS2bXq7EZDhyKSDNbcQhcvUmGLLW.Ez6Lc2R
 is now a child of

Next we resolve and verify bob's inner VID. We use the print command to print the full VID and use xargs to feed the output as input for the verify command:

tsp -d bob print bob-inner | xargs tsp -d alice verify --alias bob-inner


 INFO tsp: did:peer:2.Vz6Mv49Sf4ui8iG5C7VTjMS2bXq7EZDhyKSDNbcQhcvUmGLLW.Ez6Lc2
 is verified and added to the database alice

We do the same for the inner VID of alice:

tsp -d alice print alice-inner | xargs tsp -d bob verify --alias alice-inner


 INFO tsp: did:peer:2.Vz6MutdCU73wbCRc4Uypzg1a3gU5vAfwsLjHWbgArHzjqWzpw.Ez6Lbw
 is verified and added to the database bob

We need to configure the association between alice and bob's inner VIDs. Use the set-relation command to specify which VID should be used to send messages a certain VID:

tsp -d alice set-relation bob-inner alice-inner

Then set the parent/child relationship of bob's VIDs in alice's database:

tsp -d alice set-parent bob-inner bob

Now we are ready to send a nested message. First start listening for messages from bob's side:

tsp -d bob receive --one bob

Then send a nested message from alice:

echo "Hi Bob!" | tsp --pretty-print -d alice send -s alice-inner -r bob-inner


 INFO tsp::async_store: sending message to
CESR-encoded message:
 INFO tsp: sent message (8 bytes) from did:peer:2.Vz6MutdCU73wbCRc4Uypzg1a3gU5
 CJ9 to did:peer:2.Vz6Mv49Sf4ui8iG5C7VTjMS2bXq7EZDhyKSDNbcQhcvUmGLLW.Ez6Lc2Ryw

The output on bob's end:

 INFO tsp: listening for messages...
 INFO tsp: received message (8 bytes) from did:peer:2.Vz6MutdCU73wbCRc4Uypzg1a3
Hi Bob!

Routed mode

Like nested mode, routed mode can be set up by exchanging relationship messages between every hop in the node (for the most part), or more manually. In this document we will assume a setup with four nodes: a sender a, receiver b, and two intermediaries p and q.

Routed mode (semi-automated set up)

To set up routed mode, the four nodes need to establish bidirectional outer relationships with each other using tsp request and tsp accept, as shown in the chapter on nested mode. We will not repeat instructions on how to do that here and assume that all the one-to-one relationships have already been formed.

What is special about routed mode, is that the final hop node q, needs to have a special VID (say q2) that is dedicated to sending messages to the final recipient b. This can be achieve in two ways:

  • Establishing a nested relationship between q and b, and then using the inner VID for q as the final hop. Nested relationships always have a "relation vid".

  • Explicitly creating a separate public identity for the node q that is verified by b and has b as its "relation vid":

    > tsp -d q create --alias q2 q2
    > tsp -d q set-relation q2 b

When this set up is done, all these is needed to send a routed message from a to b is to set up a route.

tsp -d a set-route b VID-FOR-P,VID-FOR-Q,VID-FOR-Q2

Note, this requires a to have verified the VID of p, but it does not need to have verified the VID's q or q2. In fact, if the VID q2 is an inner vid for a nested relationship, a will not have a way to verify it at all.

When this route is set up properly, sending a message proceeds as normal:

echo "Routed Hello" | tsp -d a send --sender-vid a --receiver-vid b

Routed mode (manual set up)

Routed mode is a bit more involved than direct or nested mode. We need to setup correctly configured intermediary servers.

In this example we use preconfigured identities and intermediaries from instead of using the TSP CLI itself for the intermediaries.

We will use intermediaries p and q to send a message from a to b. The key material for these can be found in the Rust TSP repository.


┌────────────────┐   ┌────────────────┐
│                │   │                │
│ Intermediary P ├──►│ Intermediary Q │
│                │   │                │
└────────────────┘   └────────┬───────┘
        ▲                     │        
        │                     ▼        
┌───────┴────────┐   ┌────────────────┐
│                │   │                │
│ A (sender)     │   │ B (receiver)   │
│                │   │                │
└────────────────┘   └────────────────┘

Download key material for a and b:

curl -s > identity-a.json
curl -s > identity-b.json


Create a new identity (and database) for a based on the downloaded file using the create-from-file command:

tsp -d a.json create-from-file --alias a ./identity-a.json

We also initialize b:

tsp -d b.json create-from-file --alias b ./identity-b.json

Resolve and verify the VID for a in the database for b:

tsp -d a.json print a | xargs tsp -d b.json verify --alias a

Resolve and verify the VID for b in the database for a, and verify the VIDs for the intermediary servers p and q:

tsp -d b.json print b | xargs tsp -d a.json verify --alias b
tsp -d b.json verify --alias q

Verify the VIDs for the intermediaries and the endpoint. Passing the --sender argument configures which sender VID is used when sending messages to the passed VID. This is equivalent with an extra call to the set-relation command.

tsp -d a.json verify --alias p --sender a
tsp -d a.json verify --alias b --sender a
tsp -d a.json verify --alias q
tsp -d a.json set-route b p,q,q

The set-route command configures the route for the VID aliased by b. Note that the last hop in the route, q, in practice should be VID that the intermediary only uses to communicate with the receiver (b). For the sake of simplicity we configured the intermediary q with a VID that is also configured as the sender VID when communication with the VID of b.

Send a message

Sending the routed message is trivial, now we have configured the relations and route.

Let b listen for one message:

tsp -d b.json receive --one b

Let a sent a message:

echo "Hi b" | tsp --pretty-print -d a.json send -s a -r b


 INFO tsp::async_store: sending message to
CESR-encoded message:
 INFO tsp: sent message (5 bytes) from

Note that the message is longer than a direct mode message, since the ciphertext contains another TSP message.

Debug intermediaries

The example intermediary servers p and q maintain a brief log of recent messages, see and after sending a routed message.